Check out the following video abaout the latest piece about the climate change:
Something catches my eye
Could be an ad in a newspaper, a photograph in an old National Geographic
Could be a post in Facebook, a postcard from a faraway place
Could be a familiar object in my room, suddenly looking animated
and trying to get my attention
I see the mournful eyes, the determination in the face
I see the interesting way the object becomes alive with purposefulness
Sometimes it is the striking composition
Other times it is the ambiance
When I decide to paint from it, I never know for sure why
I think of the sketch lines I might create with my blind contour technique,
but I have no clue how it really comes out as a whole
When I look at the source intently to draw from,
I make an emotional connection with it
While I don’t have any attachment to what I am actually drawing,
I feel so free to appreciate what I am seeing
I make sure the lines stay eloquent while I work with colors and shapes
Then I begin to understand why I picked this source, why I wanted to paint it
The story starts to emerge
Things start to make sense
It seems backward
But that is how it works for me; I paint to discover